Wednesday, December 17, 2008

#9. O Brother, Where Art Thou?

In Script:
1. Pete, Delmar, and Everett are dressed in dirty overalls.
2. They have beards and hats for a disguise.
3. Pete and Delmar begin "Man of Constant Sorrow" while Everett speaks to his separated-wife.
4. The crowd begins to cheer and become enthusiastic at the song.
5. Pappy realizes these boys might be the push he needs to become Mayor.
6. The leader of the KKK (Homer Stokes) recognizes Pete, Delmar, Everett, and Tommy from earlier in the movie.
7. Everett's wife looks around in confusion.
8. Man in crowd exclaims, "Hot damn! It's the Soggy Bottom Boys!"
1. Everett bobs his head and dances around while the music goes on.
2. Woman in back of crowd twirls a handkerchief.
3. Pete and Delmar step back from microphone in unison.
4. "All you's boys is misceginated!" -- (I'm not sure if that's really a word...)
5. Everett disappears behind Peter and Delmar when they go do sing.
6. Pappy says, "Holy Moly!"
7. Everett looks back in confusion before starting to sing.
8. Everett's wife smiles and covers her mouth as Everett begins to dance.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

#8. Color Photography

If you can't read them they go like this:
1. Cloud of warmth soaring.
Personal firestorm afloat.
Paints of flame and mirth.
2. Dark, shady onyx
With backdrop of rosy cheeks
Delightfully worn.
3. Pride of the Maker.
Pure reflection of the Sea.
Cyan paints envy.
Photos copyright myself. : ) !